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Writer's pictureChristian Decker

Embrace the Unhappy - Unlocking the Potential of Dissatisfied Employees

Potenzial von unzufriedenen Mitarbeiter:innen

Recent studies consistently highlight the prevailing dissatisfaction among workers in Europe. The knee-jerk reaction of many companies is to ponder steps to enhance employee satisfaction. However, these considerations often occur without the input of these (dissatisfied) employees. Complete workplace satisfaction might not be attainable or even the ultimate aim. Instead, the focus should be on rethinking our approach to dissatisfied employees and understanding why their discontent holds significant potential.

The Hidden Potential in Dissatisfied Employees

It's time to stop viewing dissatisfied employees merely as 'problem cases.' In fact, they often possess immense potential. Why? Because they view things from a different perspective, question the status quo, and seek improvements – even if they no longer vocalize these thoughts. Their dissatisfaction can be a driving force for positive change, provided companies and leaders learn to handle it correctly.

Mastering the Art of Communication and Dialogue

This, however, is where the challenge lies. Successful communication and dialogue with dissatisfied employees are seldom straightforward. It's not about pacifying them or attempting to diminish their dissatisfaction through ineffective comparisons (like "It's much worse elsewhere" or "Other colleagues don't have a problem with this"). Instead, leaders should learn to actively listen, take concerns seriously, and not just accept but also solicit constructive feedback. This requires a toolkit filled with effective coaching tools and appropriate conversational techniques.

How Can Companies Tap into the Potential of Dissatisfied Employees?

1. Establish an Open Culture of Conversation and Feedback: 

By not just tolerating but actively promoting and demanding constructive feedback and open conversations, leaders can create an environment where (dissatisfied) employees feel safe to share their needs, desires, or concerns. This approach also increases the chances of timely identifying risks and blind spots, and harnessing improvement potentials for the company.

 2. Offer Perspectives: 

Dissatisfaction often stems from stagnation, lack of prospects, or the feeling of being stuck ("Nothing ever changes anyway"). An open conversation and feedback culture can only be maintained long-term if actions follow words. Companies need transparent processes that include all hierarchical levels and ensure that feedback or suggestions for improvement are taken seriously and acted upon.

3. Involve Employees in Solution Finding: 

Employees are experts in their own challenges and, therefore, ideal partners for brainstorming and problem-solving. Often, dissatisfied employees do not take the initiative themselves anymore. Actively involving them in the solution-finding process as a clear call to action allows companies to utilize their expertise, individual perspectives, and potential.


Complete workplace satisfaction might be unattainable, and that's perfectly fine. Instead, we should reframe how we deal with dissatisfied employees and recognize the vast potential in their discontent. Through open communication, establishing a sustainable feedback culture, and involving employees in change processes, leaders and companies can not only leverage the significant potential of these employees but also enhance overall satisfaction in the long run.

How do you harness the potential of dissatisfied employees? Share your thoughts in the comments - I look forward to the exchange.


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